Instagram’s New Vertical Profile Grids: How the Update Might Affect Your Layouts

Instagram is currently experimenting with a major update that could transform how profile pages appear: replacing the traditional square grid with vertical rectangles. This change is still in the testing phase, and some users have already noticed the shift. This development has been in the works for some time, with indications that Instagram has considered different grid formats since at least 2022.

Adam Mosseri, Instagram’s head, recently discussed this update in an Instagram story. He pointed out that most content on the platform is vertical—photos often have a 4 by 3 aspect ratio, and videos are typically 9 by 16. According to Mosseri, cropping these vertical images into squares can be limiting and does not do justice to the content. The square format, which has been a hallmark of Instagram since its inception, dates back to when the platform only allowed square photos. This constraint was removed in 2015, allowing users to upload content in various aspect ratios. Despite this change, the profile grid has remained square.

Impact on Users and Future Plans

Mosseri acknowledged that switching to vertical rectangles might be inconvenient for users who have carefully arranged their profiles to fit the current square format. Many users invest significant effort into curating their Instagram profiles, aiming for a visually cohesive presentation. This change could disrupt these carefully planned layouts, requiring users to rethink their content strategy and profile presentation.

Instagram is aware of these potential issues and is proceeding with caution. According to Christine Pai, an Instagram spokesperson, the vertical profile grid is being tested with a small group of users. Pai emphasized that Instagram values user feedback and will use it to determine whether this feature will be rolled out more broadly. The company is committed to listening to its community and will carefully consider their input before making any final decisions.

For users who have meticulously designed their profiles, it might be wise to start preparing for the possibility of this change. Experimenting with different content layouts and adjusting how posts are planned could help maintain the visual appeal and coherence of profiles, even with the new grid format.

In summary, Instagram’s potential shift to vertical profile grids represents a significant change from its traditional square format. While this update could enhance the display of vertical content, it may also disrupt existing profile layouts. Instagram is carefully testing this feature and seeking user feedback to guide its future decisions. If you have invested time in curating your profile, it may be helpful to consider how you might adapt to these potential changes.

Categories: Technology